
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Starbuck... how every father should learn and grow.

MEN: Watch Starbuck, a movie that depicts how a man SHOULD change himself in order to be a GOOD father.

SINGLE MOMMIES: watch Starbuck and cry because he becomes such a good father.

SINGLE MOMMIES WHO HAD A BABY WITH AN ASSHOLE: watch Starbuck and CURSE out that sonofab**** with whom you mistakenly created a life, but bless him at the same time because he AT LEAST gave you a beautiful child.


For my baby boy...

Here is a song that plucks at my motherly heartstrings every single time I listen to it - I have begun rocking Zach to it every night before putting him in his crib for his dodo...
All I wish for him is that he be a happy, healthy, loved and satisfied little man... whatever he chooses to do, as long as he does not voluntarily harm himself or others in the process.
I love you my Zach-a-Poo.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Parental Advisory: Explicit Content

For those lighthearted individuals reading my blog, please excuse my morning rant and only read the following if you can take a few big swear words because I need to spew out my anger...
Here goes: I called my dear lawyer this morning to see if I could change my son's name - you see, I had the bright idea when Zach was born to follow a Russian tradition in honour of the fucking man I thought would be with us for the rest of our lives;  therefore, my prescious baby boy possesses not one, but TWO, of his father's fucking names: Zachary Semion Therrien Polstianoy.  You see, in Russia, children are named after their father no matter what, and so there is a special ending given to a child's name according to his or her gender;  thus, a little girl will be forever known as her father's daughter in the same way that a boy will be known as his father's son.  
Well, it has been a year that this charming man after whom I had decided to name my son has not given any sign of life to me OR to my son, nor has he helped us in ANY fucking way... and when I asked the lawyer if I could start the procedure to change my son's name, he responded that a YEAR was not fucking long enough for the court to grant me this monumental change.
A YEAR is not fucking LONG enough ???????
Are you KIDDING ME ????????
In a young boy's life, a whole year is FUCKING long, let me tell you... 
Apparently, some fathers only recognize their progeny after THREE years... they only fucking wake up THEN and claim their responsibility towards the child or children they so childishly, immaturely and retardedly deserted in the first place.
As mothers, WE do not have the same opportunity because we carry our dear babies inside of us, whereas a man can sow his seeds any which way and then decide to nurture the growth of those plants or not... 
I shall leave you with this song and video that makes my throat clench and tears spring into my eyes every single time I listen to it: Every man knows how to make a baby, it's not fucking Biochemistry, but it takes a REAL fucking man to become a FATHER.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Parenting 101

Now that our relationship has withstood the test of a month and a little bit... how does a mother integrate her new man into her son's life?
It seems so complicated and yet it should be so simple and straightforward... he has been absolutely wonderful with Zach thus far, giving him kisses on his little forehead before dodo, sharing our bedtime stories, trying to calm him with me when he has an impatient outburst, etc. 
My tiny man has even begun imitating the newer love of my life - stretching his little arms in the air when running around naked before bath, just like my boyfriend does on a regular basis (minus the running around naked part of course!), or doing a miniature version of a two-step that my lover has done a few times around us, and trying to produce the same grimaces with his tongue and lips.
My son has even begun calling his new friend by name;  for example, first thing in the morning when his piercing brown eyes are still crusted with sleep, when my boyfriend is in the bathroom and needs some privacy, or when just playing around me and wanting some more attention - much to a mother's chagrin, he has now begun saying this novel name more than he recites those precious words every mother loves to hear, 'mama' and 'mommy'.
My lover still seems a bit reticent, however, and I am not sure how to encourage him to do more because Zach is, afterall, not his actual son...
I am sure that time, much like with anything else in life, is the answer to all of my queries, so I am attempting to let the two of them define their relationship on their own terms without any intervention on my part.